In the heart of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Running along the water is the perfect combination of a revitalizing course and the opportunity to really go all out!
What you'll find on site:
• Three ultra-flat courses from 2 km (for the Benjamins) to 10 kmfor the older ones;
• Tracks following the Saône and the pretty marina of Saint-Jean-de-Losne;
• Refreshments to keep you going - even if, in real life, the atmosphere created by the public will be enough to make you smash your records hands down!
Course focus:
Here, no need to choose. You will tread roads, towpaths, cobblestone passages (watch your ankles), the best of all worlds. Accompanied by runners from all walks of life, you will experience the Burgundy atmosphere that we love. A family race, a touch of competition for the hottest, and a natural setting perfect for a quality Sunday morning.
Don't forget your cup / eco-cup to refuel 💧.
2 (very) good reasons to participate:
• Whether you start the 5 km, 10 km or 2 km, you will be classified in the Challenge de l'Etoile;
• Run along the towpath, along the water. Not only is it super pleasant, but it's also flat. You won't see the kilometers go by, we guarantee it!
• 2023 (272 arrivals)
• 2024 (347 arrivals)
2 km
10-13 years old
10 km
+52 m
>16 years old
5 km
+28 m
>14 years old
Attention: Surcharges for on-site registrations:
- Les Foulées (10 km): €21 on-site
- Les Petites Foulées (5 km): €16 on-site
Departures and arrivals: rue du port Bernard; Saint-Jean-de-Losne, 21170.
Collection of race numbers: Sunday, May 4 from 8:30 a.m. (until 10 a.m. for adult races) – Multipurpose hall in St Jean de Losne.
Course jeunes 2 km
Course 10 km
Course 5 km