A fast 10 km, a 5 km walk, a great atmosphere: that's the program! 30 minutes from Dieppe and 45 minutes from Rouen, this road race is the perfect opportunity to treat yourself.
What you will find on site:
• A smooth and accessible course, perfect for rolling out without asking yourself any questions.
• A well-stocked refreshment point at the finish, because after the effort, you have to reward yourself.
• A great organization, ready to pamper you from start to finish.
2 good reasons to participate:
• An ideal course to beat your record or simply enjoy a rhythmic outing.
• A great atmosphere, whether you are there for the performance or just for fun.
• 2023 (88 arrivals)
• 2024 (167 arrivals)
10 km
+48 m
>16 years old
5 km
>16 years old
5 km
€2 surcharge if you register on site.
Departures/arrivals: Luneray sports halls.
Collection of bibs for all at the Luneray sports hall, on the day of the race, Wed. May 1st from 7:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.
⚠️ ID required to collect your bib or that of a loved one.
Parking available at the sports hall.
🏆 For the race: Cup for the 1st and 1st in each category and gift baskets for the first 3 Men and Women (all categories combined)
Course 10km
Marche chronométrée 5km
Marche non chronométrée 5km