Tout Rennes Court is an event created by an independent association, with the ambition of bringing together runners from all backgrounds and all levels; promoting sport, particularly in schools, and highlighting the link between movement, health and nutrition. In addition to making you sweat a bit. All the beauty of sport!
What you will find on site:
Course focus:
This event could not be better named. Between races for young people, a walk, races between 5 and 21.1 km and even an elite race, we didn't lie to you, there is something for all tastes and all ages.
By starting the half-marathon, you are off to explore Rennes far and wide. The start is given at the foot of the Cité Judiciaire. Enjoy a short stroll along the banks of the Ille before heading back down to the city center towards République. We continue on to the splendid Parcs du Thabor and Oberthur, a short loop to change direction and we're off again towards the west of Rennes by the left bank of the Vilaine. The finish arch awaits you on the Esplanade Charles de Gaulle, just opposite the library and the Champs Libres museum. Count two loops for the half-marathon, only one for the 10-kilometer race, and for the 5 km, plan the same base but with a few more shortcuts.
Of course, refreshments will be made available to recharge the batteries during the frantic race.
3 reasons to participate:
2 km
1 km
21.1 km
10 km
5 km
10 km
10 km
1 km
2 km
4 km
La marche colombia 2 km
Course la mcdonald’s 1 km
Semi-marathon le S’MI Ouest-France
Course CMB 10 km
Course la France bleu armorique sécurité routière 5 km
Course match sobhi sport femmes 10 km (sur invitation)
Course match sobhi sport hommes 10 km
Course l’eau du bassin rennais poussins 1 km
Course l’eau du bassin rennais benjamins 2 km
Course l’eau du bassin rennais minimes 4 km