Hear ye, hear ye, beggars of all lands, gather round, the time has come to register for your future favourite trail! Are you ready to get your little ones pumped?
What you'll find on site:
Course focus:
The Trail des Gueux is an event in its own right. A journey through time where for once, you won't take your status as a lousy person the wrong way. Prepare your notebook filled with expressions from a very, very long time ago and set off to discover the Folleville countryside. Between the old castle and its towers, the city's Church, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of the Camino de Santiago, and the fields as far as the eye can see, you won't regret taking part in this crazy race (yes, we had to say it).
3 (very) good reasons to participate:
23 km
+245 m
>18 years old
15 km
+171 m
>16 years old
9 km
+93 m
>16 years old
5 km
+72 m
>14 years old
5 km
9 km
15 km
4-14 years old
Departures and arrivals: more information to come
Collection of race numbers: more information to come
Pins not provided.
There will be an intermediate refreshment point on the 15 and 23km and a refreshment point for all courses at the finish.
Trail 23 km
Trail 15 km
Trail 9 km
Trail 5 km
Marche 5 km
Marche 9 km
Marche 15 km
Trail enfants